The RPKI Workshop Demonstration #5: Creating Users and Allocating New Resources video shows how to use the RPKI.NET graphical interface to perform a number of administrative actions to manage the RPKI.NET system. The charts on this page are intended to be used with this video.


  1. It is assumed the user will be running these commands on a local copy of the RPKI Workshop virtual machine. Instructions for downloading and setting up the RPKI Workshop VM may be found in the Workshop Demonstration #2 video, Installation and Setup.
  2. Most user names are specific to that VM and won't be used in a production environment. Similarly, the address ranges are purely for the sake of example.
  3. The tasks are broken down into a number of sub-tasks. Each sub-task is then divided into a number of steps. The GUI actions for each step are provided with a "Time Mark" to show where in the video each step takes place.
  4. The Time Marks are approximate. Most will be a couple seconds prior to the actual action taken in each step. This will hopefully provide a little context for the step prior to it actually being performed.
  5. The video is demonstrating how to use the GUI. Consequently, there will be some steps that are repetitive and won't necessarily be needed every time the sub-task or task is performed.
  6. The users are being added to the RPKI management system. They are not being added to the routers.
  7. The commands are all run in a web browser that is connected to the RPKI.NET administrative GUI. It is assumed the user has logged in to the GUI as the root user.

Task Sub-Task Time Mark Page in GUI Thing to Click Text to Enter
Creating a New Resource Holder 0:27 Handle List "web users" link in left sidebar
  0:45 Users "list of resource holders" link
  1:00 Resource Holders "Create" button
Provide fields for new resource holder: 1:04 Create Resource Holder  
enter Handle 1:06 labuser42
select Parent 1:10 "workshop" entry in Parent drop-down menu
  1:23 "Save" button
1:38 Resource Holders "list of web interface users" link
Creating a New Web User   1:40 Users "Create" button
Provide fields for new web user: 1:46 Create User  
enter Password 1:46 labuser42
enter Email 1:50 root@localhost
enter Password 1:57 labuser42
enter Confirm Password 2:01 labuser42
select Resource Holder 2:12 "labuser42" entry in Resource Holders menu
  2:14 "Save" button
Allocating New Resources to a User   2:30 Users "select identity" link in sidebar
  2:32 Handle List "IANA" link
  2:38 Dashboard "workshop" link in Children section
Allocate New Prefix Provide prefix data: 2:45 Child: workshop "Prefix" button
enter Address range 2:53 Add Prefix
  2:59 "Save" button
3:09 Child: workshop
video skips to Handle List page
Parent Allocates Address Space to Child   3:11 Handle List "workshop" link from Handle List
  3:34 Dashboard "labuser42" link in Children section
Provide prefix data: 3:43 Child: labuser42 "Prefix" button
enter Address range 3:47 Add Prefix
3:55 "Save" button
4:10 Child: labuser42 "select identity" link
  4:13 Handle List "labuser42" link from Handle List
Allocate Resources Within a Child   4:22 Dashboard "refresh" button in Resources section
4:31 "ROA" button in Unallocated Resources section
Provide fields for new ROA: 4:33 Create ROAs
enter Prefix 4:34 ( is autofilled)
enter max length 4:36 9
enter ASN 4:40 65534
  4:42 "Preview" button
  4:44 video bypasses actual Save page and ends on Dashboard

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